With 635 photographs, which to choose? The first one speaks for itself. I had to include it. Then there are some fairly standard tourist photographs, such as you might see in guide books. I have included just a few of these to convey some sort of flavour of Chukka's holiday. However, I think more interesting are some more obscure little pictures. Chukka has a habit of noticing odd little fragments and latching on to them: often such trivia that most of us would walk past without noticing them. I had to include a few of these: they really say a great deal about who Chukka is. Then there are a couple of pictures of Star, who travels everywhere with Chukka, and is photographed at each stage of the journey. Chukka specifically asked for a picture of Star. And finally, the only image of Chukka to be found among these photos. I think it has something special about it.








Yeah! For pictures!
I love the fish!
especially the 2nd one!
Ah, Fishy, I hope you can have Star with you soon.
Oh, yah, and I love the one photo of Chukka! That's classic!
There is a face to the left of the spire in the mountain.. Innsbruck..
I love her photgraphs she has an eye like mine... :) Memorial Day 2007 was just made memorable by fishy!! Get Well soon hun.. MeShell
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