Thursday, June 21, 2007

Cleared for rehab

I believe that Chukka has been medically cleared for rehab. The insurance still has to give the go ahead and then a bed has to open up. (And yes, there is a maternity ward in the same hospital!)

I was there yesterday (Wednesday) when Jim, the physical therapist, did his evaluation. He and another PT helped Chukka sit up on the side of the bed. He then kept his hands lightly on her to balance her and she sat up for 10 or 15 minutes, including 15 seconds unassisted. He is great! When he was getting her up, he started humming theme music. Then he asked Chukka if she was okay and if there was anything she had to say. She said, "Yes. Can I have the William Tell overture instead of Bonanza?" So he switched. He kept saying things like "Way to go, homegirl!" and "I wish my other patients had your attitude." His evaluation? "You are totally ready for a wheelchair!" He said she could have gone in a wheelchair that day, but he was going off duty & he wanted to be the one to do it, so they were going to do it today.

She's learned some new exercises with the exercise bands, and she has also found out that she can pull herself over towards her side using the bars on the side of the bed.

I called Social Services today (didn't get who I wanted) and the woman I spoke, who hadn't even met Chukka, had heard about her and knew that she had a good attitude. So word has gotten around the hospital.

She wants books, including:
the latest Tim Powers, Three Days till Never
books by John (?) Callahan, the paraplegic who wrote Don't worry, he won't get far on foot. I'm hoping to track that one down in the local bookstore, but he has a lot of books of cartoons, so go ahead.
Adrienne Mayor, The First Fossil Hunters and Fossil Legends of the First Americans.

She says the transport nurses and EMTs were nice, she's glad to be back, and she's looking forward to her birthday. I don't know how we're going to handle the virtual party. Let's hope she's in rehab, so that the patient in the next bed is strong enough to handle the festivities!

I'll check on rhinoceroses. I don't want to have to be the one who rubs them down with hand sanitizer.

For electronic cards to her room (Room 476, Bed 2):

1 comment:

Judy Gex said...

So happy to hear Chukka is back stateside.... that is remarkable!

Can we send packages to the new address?