Thursday, July 12, 2007

D-Day approaching

So I'm getting really worried. (What else would I be doing up at 5:00 in the morning?) The insurance wants Chukka to leave the hospital on Monday. The hospital has decided it will keep chukka till Thursday, no matter what, and fight the insurance later if necessary. This is just the ridiculous place how health care system has come to, where it's and adversarial system where everyone has to see who can intimidate whom more.

In the meantime, we have to somehow get the house ready for Chukka. We have to clear out the rooms upstairs, which have accumulated a large amount of stuff, and get that all into boxes or taken down to the thrift store. Then we have to move all my mother's furniture and clothes from the room downstairs where she has lived for almost forty years and take it upstairs into a new room. Then we have to just set up a little stuff for Chukka -- she will only want a dresser and bookcase to begin with probably -- we will be renting a hospital bed at first. And finally, we have to make sure that the downstairs, and especially the passageway from the front door to the bedroom, will be clear enough and safe enough for Chukka to negotiate in a wheelchair -- especially now, when she is still not fully familiar with what she is doing (although she has been making great progress). It just doesn't seem like there's any way this can be done in the amount of time we have -- especially in such short notice. I have no idea if anyone is actually going to show up to help out. We may end up needing people all through the early part of the week.

If there is any chance that you can help, please do contact me to get the address. Even just an hour or two would be a big help. You can send me an email at chukkasupport AT, or contact me on Tribes as Eliza at Or leave a comment on the blog. You can also call Chukka at the hospital - (925) 939-3000 and ask for Carol Sachs.

The house is located on the Berkeley/Oakland border, near Claremont and College. The closest BART station is Rockridge. Beer and pizza -- the first few people get Zachary's.


In the meantime, Chukka continues to do awesome. She is working really hard at her PT, she is jumping in and doing the things she needs to do to help the move happen. I cannot emphasize how incredibly strong she has been. I just want to make sure she comes home to somewhere safe.


Anonymous said...

Damn. I have to move myself this weekend, and haven't yet figured out how that's going to come together.

Please post if you continue to need help after this weekend and I'll try to BART over.

Anonymous said...

I will be there.

BnB said...

I don't know if you saw my message on Tribe... hadn't heard back. I know D-Day approacheth...