Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Shear Goodness of it All

I am amazed by the goodness I've found in this experience.
Stefan driving my mother from the airport to the hotel. He came from Munich to do this. Thank you, Stefan. It's not everyone who will do something for someone so vaguely connected to one. My mother spoke of you with gratitude for this. It must have been a very hard day in her life, flying to a strange country to see a freshly maimed child. I just told her Stefan had posted a reply and she smiled and spoke of something she wanted to send him.
Karine--whose goodness was never in doubt, since her trip to New Orleans post Katrina--organizing the art auction and being the tribe nexus for donations. I am sitting at the computer that her money, and the money she raised, helped to pay for. And everyone who contributed art or who bid on a piece, thank you,thank you, thank you. Le Chat, you better treat her right, her fans will have something to say to you if you don't. But the issue isn't in doubt, I know your furry heart and your love for her.
All those people who sent cards. I've got pounds of them. Somehow I haveto make them into a scrapbook. Something to hold as a solid reminder that all of you cared enough to say something, to send something.
I was sent books, video tapes, dvds. The vcr tapes I left in Austria--I didn't want to run into compatability problems. but there are no imcompatability problems with the hearts and hands that selected them and put them into the mail.
The nurses, the pts, the ots. I was the total pet on the floor in John Muir Medical. The English speaking members of the doctors' entourages in TILAK who gave me brief synopses of the long German conversations.

And I don't even know that I deserve this. I've tried to be honest. On the boards I'd be kind to the people who seemed to need it and I've been mean and rude to the people who seemed to be giving us that sort of energy simply to inflate their egos or whatever their twisted--oh poof! I don't want to talk abou that in a post about goodness. But it does make the goodness look better.

So much kindness in the world, in people.

So many hugs I wish to give, to people I don't even know, as well as those I've met, but are not close.

I wish I could throw you a party. Idon't know what to say. I may never know what to say.

I can say this, you, all of you, were bright lights in a very dark night for me and for my family and friends.

You're Stars, People!!!


Shell said...

You are inspiration to me...
Actually you helped me get through some drama thats been unfolding in my life. Each time I felt like it was too difficult I remembered all the trials you are going through.. each time I posted here felt lame and inadequate.
Until I opened the candle room and they posted a permanent link the love sent to you through the candles... Sending Love and healing energy...

When I first heard of your accident I was bummed I had lost touch with you on tribe. I went a read your blogs about how you were planning your trip and the excitement and enthusiasm , then you made it there and were having a great time. You really needed that trip.
I was greatful to know that all these people came together and supported you and your family when you needed it the most. I felt awful I couldnt contribute in some way. When I mentioned it to you , your comment was that there is someone right here where I live that could use my help shows your character, you really are a good person who deserves all the love being sent your way.
All the people who were able to help and did are blessed and blessings will come to them.
Stars indeed!!

ChiaLynn said...

"On the boards I'd be kind to the people who seemed to need it..."

Exactly. And that's why I like you so much. You're snarky when it's needed, and you don't take shit, but you're warm and open-hearted and generous and kind, and I've had a big ol' online crush on you for ages.

And it seems a good place to say how overwhelmed I've been, just observing, to see the outpouring of love and affection and aid from all over the world, people who've met you and people who haven't, and starting before we even knew for sure you were coming back to us. You're an amazing presence, Fishy, and you've touched a lot of people.

But you have to stop running over bunnies. Bunnies love you too.

Chukka said...

then people have to stop saying "namaste" At least around Badger...

Anonymous said...

Your post made me well up with tears, Fishy. You were kind to me when I first logged on to eplaya and I will nnever forget that. And I have strived to be kind to others in turn.

And Karine is certainly a beautiful gem of a person. She has been a blessing in my life and has made me a better person. She has that affect on people you know.

When it comes to learnig how to give of myself, the best I can do is follow in her footsteps. This is Truth...

And you should you ever make it back to the playa, know that with the removal of two simple bolts, the rumbleseat pad and support come off The Contraption to allow for a wheelchair to sit there instead.

Another of Karies ideas that I wholeheartedly agreed with.

Chukka said...

Dang, LCN, you've made me tear up!

long distance hugs to you and Karine, and don't you dare go through the bay area without stopping by and seeing me!

Shell said...

Stars Indeed!!! Woohoo

Karine said...

Oh Sweet Heart! Fishy you deserve every little card and hug and lovely thought !

Especially because you have been so open all these years to all the RIGHT people. (Us!)

We love you.