Saturday, August 4, 2007

Some Days are Just Bad

Woke up cranky.

Almost certainly just a cyclical thing.
Ican't be optomistic and daring all the time.
Even my phantom limbs seem to hurt.
Too much family and caretaker drama. Its very scary to be dependant on people who are having dramas.
I can't even go to a movie or a cafe and get away from it.

Sometimes I feel trapped. Can't take a nap on the couch. Can't go beyond certain places in the house.

I did see the doctor yesterday and he did say I could take showers. Now all I have to do is get the handheld installed and the shower chair bought.

Anyone wanna take me to Johnson Medical supply on Monday?


Anonymous said...

Hey Chukka,

we havent met yet. Stefan from München, Germany. I got the chance to help your mum a bit to get to Innsbruck. No big thing.

I got the info about your terrible accident over the euroburners list - the list for BM peeps outa europe...

Just felt like writing a few words after reading a few sentences in your blog...

Ah I just had to decide that I cannot go to the burn this year because some work stuff is not going that fast as I would like. I really hope we can meet next year on the playa!

All the best wishes for your health. I have the feeling your body has to adjust to the new situation. My impression from the few things I read is that you are a very very strong personality. So why should your body not be able to follow?!

Hope not to hit any wrong nerves by writing you something while we dont know each other. Thats not my intention...

Just so. I better shut up for now.

All the best wishes & strength across the ocean,

Chukka said...

Stefan. You've earned the right. I'd say more, but this is my third try, with #s 1 and 2 being erased by strange powers.