Wednesday, May 7, 2008

It's been a long time since I posted

six months about?
I'm back at work 3 6-hour days. That's a change for the better.
I have a new push chair. I haven't really used it, because it's too large for the doors.
The surgery was kind of a nightmare--the hospital didn't give me my regular meds and I was off the SSRIs for a week. Took the rest of the month to catch up.
My weight has ballooned. I'm working on changing diet. I don't want to be too drastic.

Scott is going to be honored at the National EMS Memorial in a couple of weeks.

I'll try to get back here sometime soon.

Friday, September 14, 2007

good news and blah, blah, blah

First the Updates:
#I have met the surgeon for my colostomy "take down." (Gosh, it sounds so warlike.) I've taken some of the necessary tests in prep-the blood test, and the ct scan with barium and iodine in my system. Apparently, my colostomy is "unremarkable." On Monday, the barium enema.
#I got a shrinker sock for Puffball on Wednesday. It's rubbing a sore spot, so here's hoping for a thigh callous in the next few days.
#Called yesterday by the wheelchair vendor, my chair has been ordered. Hope for delivery in a couple of weeks.

Now the mood:
Still low. Feeling the limitations again. Taking BART scares me, so many hazards, scarey elevators and the gap between train and platform is perfect for snagging castors--not to mention a subtle reminder of the accident. I'm probably not keeping busy enough, logistics get overwhelming sometimes.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Not quite stir crazy, just bored and lonely. I don't start out patient physical therapy until the 17th--that will be 3 weeks without supervision of exercise program. It's something of a struggle to do that daily. I am going on walks at least.
It's hot--really hot. I don't want to stress myself, especially with the new med that puts me at higher risk for dehydration and heat exhaustion. I never did do well in heat.
Part of my problem here is that I didn't take my Celexa last night. I've taken tonight's so I'll be okay tomorrow, at least as far at taht part of the problem is concerned.
I'm sleeping a lot, and that concerns me--it always does. Am I falling into depression? Should I be doing something different? Is this a problem? Am I too passive?
And my phantom limbs seem very activated tonight.