Monday, July 2, 2007

She's Got Fever

Chukka got a fever about the middle of last week -- it has been quite high at times. We had to cancel the surprise party, because she was tired and weak. I think I was more disappointed than she was -- after all, she didn't know it was going to happen! People did come by for her birthday, but lower key, of course.

She is better today, although they are still monitoring her. She has had some nausea and loss of appetite, but now she is able to eat. She is now in a private room, but a small one, and since there is always some sort of hospital personnel in there, it can get quite crowded. She is supposed to do her breathing exercises still, but I don't see when she is supposed to have time! Even with the fever, they have tried to sit her up in a wheelchair every day. Her spirits are still good -- she takes all the procedures and pain better than I do! I was a little faint out there today -- I guess if I'd ever had kids, I be less squeamish.

I put Star where Chukka could see her -- apparently when Chukka was most nauseous, Star didn't want to take the risk of being vomited on, so she is sitting on an enormous basket of goodies Crypto's friend Jimmi brought.

I couldn't raise the wireless network on my laptop. I know it's out there somewhere, but it's tricky to find, and it may need a key.

My cousin Saami asked exactly what the phantom pain is. It's a side effect of the amputation -- I think it's the brain trying to figure out where the legs went. When I saw her, her (virtual) feet were cold, and she couldn't warm them up, even when she put them inside each other.

Keep those letters and cards coming. Packages, flowers, stuffed animals all welcome. Maybe a stuffed rhinoceros?

Don't forget you can send her a card via the internet:

Her current room is 510.


Magda said...

OK, enquiring minds need to know -- exactly what *do* you stuff in a rhinoceros?

Seriously, echo what Eliza said about Chukka apparantly keeping her spirits up. I have though many many times over the last few months how much braver she is about this than I can ever imagine myself being (and, indeed, my daughter helpfully remarked, after I told her how Chukka was holding up 'not you would be then, mum'.)


ChiaLynn said...

"exactly what *do* you stuff in a rhinoceros?"

I like to start with some Jello and tree moss. Black pepper's good, too, but it does make the rhino sneeze, and that's a terrible mess.

Shell said...

"exactly what *do* you stuff in a rhinoceros?"

What else? LOVE

Chukka is much tougher than I would have been.. take care of each other. Much Love MeShell

Eliza said...



Chukka said...

Just not those cakes the parsee man bakes.

(dreadful mistake.)