Friday, May 18, 2007

Where we are today

Just an update from Innsbruck.

Chukka is still in a lot of pain and discomfort, but has improved so much since I first saw her. Last night (I got here again yesterday) she was feeling a nauseous. I told the nurse (using the slangy word which might be translated as 'she feels like barfing' -- not how I would usually talk to a nurse! -- he told me the echt Deutsch) and she got something for that. I was also able to ask what the evening programme was (teeth cleaning, cool wash, sleeping meds) -- it seems to help to speak German, although all in hospital have some English.

The Marienheim hostel is really great, the person in the office (volunteer?) was really nice, it is spotless and very 'homey' with table cloths in the little dining room, lots of dishes and pots and, of course, four bins under the sink so we can recycle our plastic, paper, and compost. There is a big fridge with little baskets so we can keep things and label them. I brought my own sheets and towel, they hire some so Mum has those, and then we have a lovely room with a table and so on. It is really about 2 or 3 minutes to the hospital, and is a wonderful facility for our situation. They have a library (mostly German) and even an umbrella stand. In our situation, it could not be better, really.

The last fews days have been very rainy, but today the sun is out, so we can walk around again, filling in the time until visiting hours, and running errands and keeping ourselves sane. The rain fell as snow on the peaks, so the scenery looks a bit more dramatic.

Over and out from Innsbruck.

Magda and Sally


Anonymous said...

Hi Fishy,
Wanted to wish you a great friday! Im glad we now know that "etch deutsch" means "I feel like I gotta barf"...hehehe Magda! Always good to get important words down pat!
I only know "spreckense deutsch" answer "Nine"
My German is so bad.
Hope that ray of sunshine comes down and touchs your souls over there!
Love and Guodendaug, I wish I had umlauts,

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah Fishy I forgot to tell you Titwi and I put in a offer on a house! We will hear more on the 31'st. Will let you know right away!
Love ya pinemom

Anonymous said...

Hi Chukka,
I'm coming into this late, but want first to say how sorry I am to hear about what happened. The words that come to mind - unfair, inexplicable - sound trite. But I know how strong you are and am glad to hear you're fiesty as ever.

You have such a great circle of loving friends and family - it's wonderful (and not surprising) that you've made such an impression on so many people, even just through your online exchanges. You're in my thoughts every day, dear. Stay strong. Love you a bunch.

Thank you, thank you to Magda, Eliza and Sally for providing these updates - it's not only incredibly helpful to read how Chukka is progressing each day, but to see there's such a tremendous network of support and love from her family and friends. Please take care of yourselves as well.

Love to all of you,
(anonymous listing because I'm a hopelessly inept blogger)

Joel the Ornery said...

Hi C'fishist... greetings from east cental illinois... it is I... joel the ornery. i hope you are recovering well, keep positive, we are sending postive thoughts your way. all the best, joel the ornery