Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Chukka's Tribe

I'm exhausted. This is so hard to take in.

It was hard for us to contact Chukka's friends. My mother doesn't have any contact information. But I knew from Scott's memorial there were some wonderfully supportive people out there if only I could find them. So I finally googled "Scott Lofgren Bounce" and discovered she had a community, just as I'd hoped.

I just want to thank all of you for being out there, and I also want to say, no message is too small. I was talking to someone, and she said "What do you say?" and I said, "You know, it's not the individual messages, it's the number of them," and she said "No, I don't know." And I thought how strange it is, you just get used to it in a way. With all Chukka has had in her life, this really is shocking.

I intend to keep this up to date, as we learn things. They may keep her unconscious for a while. My mother will not get there until Friday. The clinic itself seems very good -- as far as I can make out with my limited German, it's a state-of-art trauma facility that other doctors can come and observe.

I will probably try tomorrow to call the cli


Anonymous said...

Thank you Eliza for keeping us informed! Thank you so much...she means the world to us! She is the greatest lady! And dearest friend!
Love to you and your family and as soon as you know anything...or need anything please feel free to reach out to all of us!!!
Love Pinemom

Anonymous said...

Shock and awe... waves of it. Please please please tell sweet Cryptofish that Jellyfish says it really is going to be alright. I stand by in full salute with the hypnomitt at the ready and a backrub at her whim. She will understand.



Kirsten, the Purple Koosh said...

I've put up some photos from Scott and Chukka's wedding:


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update.

I would guess that for every post here, there are at least 10-15 other people out there who share the same feelings, but aren't posting for whatever reasons. I remember talking to Fishy once about this, about how people really do care, they just don't feel like they know what to say.

Anonymous said...

Hi there!

I am a burner living in Munich / Germany. I heard this terrible story. Innsbruck is about 1,5h away from Munich - so if I can do anything: if family/friends fly into Muc and need a sofa to crash or directions or translation help: Let me know.

I just need to add that I am really busy at the moment. I am up to buying a company and will soon start working self-employed. Have to organize a lot and finish my old work. BlaBla... but there are important and there are important things in life so let me know if I can do anything to help!

You can mail me at stefan AT mosthigh.de


Anonymous said...

Ivy, I recall her saying that at the time too. I don't know what to say except that I am thinking of her.

Anonymous said...

My friend Armadillo is going to be in Vienna this weekend and has asked if there is anything she can do.

Sending all my wishes for strength her way.

Underdogdj said...

Fishy is one of the sweetest and kindest people I know. I am always so happy to see her in the desert or even just online. She is an amazing person with a quick wit and a bright smile that could light a room.

Anonymous said...

Oh crap. What fates have befell my favorite online fishy. I'm so sorry that you had this happen to you. I only hope that you got to enjoy Europe immensly before the accident.

Rob the Wop

Dana Ellingen said...

My best wishes and hopes and prayers to Chukka, whom I do not know, and to her family and friends, some of whom I do know. These tragedies ripple outwards, and all need support.


Anonymous said...

Oh Fishy!!!!! You have people across the countries and continents sending you all our love and prayers. Come home to us sweetheart.

Eliza, Sally, Magda & Pete:

Please let us help you in any way we can - she is dear to us as are you.


Anonymous said...

Holy hell. Chukka, sending you much love. I'll be thinking of you and looking forward to seeing you soon.


Anonymous said...

Sending love to dear Chukka from Nevada. Ginger wishes that the experience will be full of love and kindness.

Interestingly enough, I know another person who has lived through a very similar experience, in the Bay Area. Another human who lost both legs to a train accident. Really!

I do look forward to connecting the two together, if they don't already know each other, as he might have some ability to grok what she's going through.

Even while I don't quite know what it's like, I know that with time, the healing will come. I am grateful that Fishy is still here swimming with us.

Fear be gone, as love conqueres the darkness.

Anonymous said...

hi Chukka,

I'm from the burning man community. I cried when I heard the news of your accident, and again when I saw the kindness and love in our community as people tried to take in the news, and figure out if they could help. I hope you can feel how much care and support there is out here for you!

love, harriet

MendelsonPhoto said...

dearest fishy... from a 3playan... i know you virtually and my friends know you personally. i send you my love and pray for your return to health. and that someday we'll meet in real life.

strength and health,
marcy/ cowgirl

Bare said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you Darling Fishy.. and I look forward to seeing you, if not in person, certainly online with all your words of wisdom and your amazing sense of humor.....

Heal Quickly,

Anonymous said...

Utter Shock, dear Chukka...I am not sure if I have the right words...my thoughts are with you. Leave the Wooly Mammoths be for a while (a long while) and come home to your friends and family and so much LOVE. The healing will come with time as you know. I miss your wit


TourAbsurd said...

Praying for you, love.


Anonymous said...

life changes but love is constant.

Anonymous said...

I need another hug, Crypto!
ASAP, honey.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of you Fishy. All my love and healing thoughts send your way.


Andie Grace said...

Thinking of you, thinking of you, thinking of you, thinking of you, thinking of you....

Unknown said...

Keep siwmming strong, fishy. These are dark waters, but you will make it through.

anile said...

All my love to you Chukka. You are one of the most loving, amazing people I have ever met. I can't even imagine what you must be going through. I can only tell you that so many people love you and want you to be with us and share our lives again soon. Know that you are loved!!!! Come home soon. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

Anonymous said...

Hope and prayers for Chukka. Thanx for all your work on this E. Hope you and Sally are holding up thru all of this. If you need help.. call

Anonymous said...

I too am living in Germany, and am quite saddened by this terrible accidentl. Although I am not near Innsbruck, you may certainly contact me if I can be of any help (translating or what not): khdavies at g mail.com. Best wishes!

Shell said...

Still sending blessings and well wishes.. You are loved .. MeShell