Thursday, May 3, 2007


Ok, this post is supposed to be from Chukka's sister Magda. Actually I am Magda's husband (and so Chukka's brother in law), Michael. Magda has asked me to post on her behalf, because she is so rushed off her feet arranging to fly to Chukka at the the same time as working etc, etc.
Chukka was with us in England immediately before she flew off across Europe on what was destined to be such a tragic journey. It is so difficult to believe such a thing can have happened to someone you have been with so recently, and who was then absolutely fine, and full of life. Of course that is irrational, but it is how I feel.
We have some photographs of Chukka with me and my children (Chukka's nephew and niece) taken just days before her accident, and we thought other people might like to see them. Originally I posted URLs to link to them here, but later I decided to put them directly into the blog, so you will find them in a later post.

The first one is on a bridge at St John's College, Cambridge. Olaf, standing next to Chukka, is a student just down the road from St John's at King's college. The fourth person is Iona.
The other two photographs are taken near Dovestones in the Pennines in the north of England, a couple of miles from where we live.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Michael, the name of the angel, for picking up the informational string from your lovely wife in the time of need!
I know your family must be going in fifteen different directions!
You have no idea how much these new strings of info mean to us! Feeding the hungry so to speak.
We all love Fishy so much! Our hearts have all gone on holiday,they're floating above HER as she recovers. I wonder if she'll bring mine back with a better vocabulary in Due"tch!
Nine!hehehee.Laughter is however the best medicine!Especially if its infused with mass amounts of love!
Much Love and appreciation, Pinemom

Eliza said...

Thanks so much Mickey for doing this.


Kirsten, the Purple Koosh said...

Thank you so much for keeping us all informed...and for sharing those photos with us. I'm thinking of you all constantly.

Anonymous said...

Posting the photographs was a very good idea. It is so much easier to send positive thoughts/wishes to someone when you can picture her. I have not met Chukka but have heard a lot about her and MAgda's family and my thoughts are with you all.

Anonymous said...

None of what you feel right now is irrational. Emotional, yes, and an indication of the journey. Mickey and Magda, Chukka's mom and Eliza, Crypto, her whole family ... are in the thoughts and hearts of hundreds, no, thousands.

Thanks for understanding and giving so much of yourselves right now to keep her with her community.

much love, much love ...
b r o o k e

Bob Blogger said...

Just some photos I found and cropped posted etc.