Wednesday, May 2, 2007

No news is good news

This is going to be a little incoherent, normally I am a believer in complete sentences, can't bother now.

Haven't heard about surgery, since they did not call, assume it went okay. She will likely be in ICu a while yet. When Magda phoned to see if she would be awake over weekend, they said "too soon to tell," but her impression was it was a "probably not" kind of too soon and not the other kind.

I'd been starting to worry about the induced coma thing -- a little knowledge is a dangerous thing -- & friends came up with really dire reasons. But then my friend B. said, "Sometimes the reason is very simple, like to make sure they don't pull their tubs out. To keep them from thrashing about." I like that word, "thrashing", it seems so strong and powerful, like under the induced sleep, something in Chukka is already fighting for her.

I have asked Doll Face to get an address for cards, but ICU may be difficult, where will they put them. So if no hospital address, may ask Mum if okay to send to hotel. Flowers too soon, may not last till she wakes up and there will be so many!

Thanks, Thanks, thanks!


Bare said...

tis very true, the induced coma thing is more to keep them relaxed than become anxious and thrash about... they keep very close watch on that kind of thing... it's as if shes sleeping... and it's a good thing and allows the body to rest and gain strength...

Thank you for posting and letting us know.. many of us Love her bunches..

take some time for you too... Just breathe.. it has to be an exhausting time waiting to hear, just know that we are Praying and thinking of all of you....

Much Love and Many Blessings

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update, Eliza. And please post here to let us know when to start passing the hat, or if there is anything *you* need that her friends might be able to provide.

Anonymous said...

Eliza, from the bottom of my (OK, our) hearts, thank you, thank you, and thank you for keeping us updated in what can only be a horrific and stressful time for the family....

Chukka has some things really going for her - she has a *huge* potpouring of thoughts and energy towards her (and towards you too), She's one of the most positive and upbeat people I have ever known, and if there's a bright side to this tradgedy, it's where it happened - the facility there is probably one of the few on the planet that can deal with these kinds of injuries as well as they can. The induced coma thing is a good thing - if there's any internal injuries, etc., it will keep her from possibly doing more damage to herself.

As the rest of us are, I am worried about her once they pull her out of the Coma, as she is going to be disoriented (and likely won't remember the accident), and also in shock to the extent of her injuries. That can really throw a wrench into her psyche, and I think it will be up to ALL of us here at the "home support team" (and we realizew this) to be there for her.

Again, thank you for keeping us in the loop, and please let her know that she has probably, literally, thousands worried and pulling for her. That in itself is an awesome testament to the wonderful person she is.

And also know that we are keeping y'all in our prayers as well.

Susanne, AKA bb sue...

Anonymous said...

Thank You for keeping us posted. our hearts go out tou all of you. Chukka is someyhing special. And she is. and you are also in my thoughts and prayers.

Box Burner

Chukka said...

The weirdest thing about the induced coma is the morphium dreams. These are very unsettling. One involved running through Tyrolian fields trying to read the crops and the other had the sound effect of breaking glass to my body parts falling off. I'm sure it was for the best (I've been able to report pain at 3 or 4 for much of this time--I'm sure itwas up to 10 in the coma period) but the drreams were unsettling.